Episode 65: Tax Planning & the Death of a Spouse- Part 2
In this week’s episode, we are continuing the discussion on the unfortunate circumstances of a spouse passing away. A myriad of financial decisions need to be made during an already difficult time, and it’s important to understand the implications of many of those decisions. Last week, we talked about the step-up in basis rule as well as the widow’s penalty. This week, we are going to cover what happens when a spouse inherits an IRA and the choices that he or she may have when it comes to inheriting a deceased spouse’s retirement accounts.
Disclaimer: Please do not take advice from me on this show. As a licensed Fiduciary I am only allowed to give advice to clients. So, unless you’re a client I can’t give you advice because I don’t know you. So, think of these as helpful hints and education only. And please before implementing any information or ideas you hear on this show always consult your legal adviser, your tax adviser, and your financial adviser…………. right? that’s just common sense.
Final Disclaimer:
“We appreciate you joining us today for this episode of The Fiscal Blueprint.
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Remember it’s not about the money but about your life!
Having a mindset and living a life of abundance rather than scarcity will change the direction of your life forever!! Enjoy the Journey!!!
“Opinions voiced in this recording are for general information only and not intended to offer specific advice or recommendations to any individual. All performance references are historical and no guarantee of future results. All indices are unmanaged and not available for direct investment.”
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