Episode 59: A Quick Discussion on Generations & Millennial Wealth
This week’s episode is short & sweet! Your host and financial coach, Jeff Montgomery, lead an interesting discussion around the millennial generation, which is defined as folks born between 1981 & 1996 and accounts for 22% of the U.S. population. Jeff discusses some compelling facts surrounding millennial wealth and some misconceptions about their financial well-being.
Disclaimer: Please do not take advice from me on this show. As a licensed Fiduciary I am only allowed to give advice to clients. So, unless you’re a client I can’t give you advice because I don’t know you. So, think of these as helpful hints and education only. And please before implementing any information or ideas you hear on this show always consult your legal adviser, your tax adviser, and your financial adviser…………. right? that’s only common sense.
Sources, data & commentary from the following article:
Westbury, Brian S., and Robert Stein. “Respect Millennials.” First Trust, 18 Oct. 2021,
Final Disclaimer:
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Remember it’s not about the money but about your life!
Having a mindset and living a life of abundance rather than scarcity will change the direction of your life forever!! Enjoy the Journey!!!
“Opinions voiced in this recording are for general information only and not intended to offer specific advice or recommendations to any individual. All performance references are historical and no guarantee of future results. All indices are unmanaged and not available for direct investment.”
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